Cross-country skiing on the Arlberg

In Lech Zürs you can practice cross-country skiing on over 27 km. The prepared cross-country trails are available to you and, with their flat terrain, gentle climbs and short descents, are perfect for a sporty winter day. Beyond the Arlberg region ski area there is a diverse network of cross-country ski trails waiting for you to explore. Below you will find a few recommended routes that you can plan for your next cross-country skiing days.

From Omesberg to Zug (easy)

The cross-country ski trail starts at the foot of the Omeshorn in Lech. First you go slightly downhill and later along the Lech, through the forest to Zug. It’s worth taking a short break at one of the benches along the way and enjoying the beautiful landscape.

Here you can find a map of the route:

Langläufer im alpinen Gebiet im WInter
Nahaufnahme von Langlaufschuhen im Schnee

Zürs – Flexenpass – Zürs (medium)

Starts from Trittkopfbahn 1 and follows the excellently prepared cross-country ski trail and the winter hiking trail in a southerly direction to the Flexenpass. Here you have the opportunity to take a break in the rustic Flexenhäusl, or you can follow the route back to Zürs.

Here you can find a map of the route:

Zug – Älpele – Spullerwald – Zug (difficult)

Start your cross-country skiing tour directly at the cross-country skiing starting point in Lech at the bridge and follow the idyllic course of the Lech River to Zug. Alternatively, you have the option of taking the blue local bus to Zug and joining the cross-country ski trail from the final station. The route to the Älpele inn is gentle to slightly uphill. A relaxing break and refreshment await you at Gasthof Älpele before you decide to take the left-hand trail towards Spullerwald. This picturesque circular tour ultimately takes you back to the starting point.

2 Langläufer zwischen verschneiten Bäumen und Wald
Frühlingswiese in Damüls, Vorarlberg
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