Famous locations in the Arlberg region

The Austrian mountains are valued by film producers around the world. It can happen that, as a Vorarlberger, you recognize the locations that appear in some Hollywood blockbusters. Lech is also a popular holiday destination for prominent personalities, so it might happen that you spot one or two stars on the slopes or in a ski hut.

James Bond

Our charming hero James Bond can be found in every imaginable situation. The breathtaking scenes are unique and a chase through the snow is a must. James Bond, known not only as a heartthrob but also as an excellent skier, shows his skills on the slopes in films such as “Spectre” (2015), “The World Is Not Enough” (1999) and “For Your Eyes Only” (1981). The filming locations extend across renowned winter sports regions around the Arlberg region and beyond.

Filmszene aus "James Bond" im Skigebiet am Arlberg
Szene aus dem Film "Bridget Jones" in Lech

Bridget Jones - The Edge of Reason

Even though the scene shot for the film only lasts three minutes, the ski resort of Lech am Arlberg was transformed into a film set for a full ten days. In the 2004 film “Bridget Jones – The Edge of Reason” Marc Darcy (Colin Firth) invites Bridget Jones (Renée Zellweger) to a skiing holiday in Lech, where she experiences unexpected difficulties on the slopes, including a ski race, a fall from the Chair lift and a slide directly into a pharmacy.

The white ecstasy

The film “The white ecstasy” was shot on the Arlberg in 1931 and marks a milestone in the then emerging mountain film genre. Dr. Arnold Franck was a groundbreaking pioneer who brought skiing to the world through this film. To this day, the film is recognized by directors and freeriders as an aesthetic, artistic and technical masterpiece, although film technology 80 years ago was of course very different than it is today. The film literally sparked a boom in alpine skiing.

Foto vom alten Filmklassiker "Der Weiße Rausch" am Arlberg
Filmszene aus "Peter Schießt den Vogel ab" mit Ortschaft im Hintergrund

Peter schiesst den Vogel ab (Peter Shoots Down the Bird)

This comedy from 1959 has long since achieved cult status. The film mainly takes place in Zürs, where the porter Peter Schatz spends his winter sports vacation after an unexpected windfall. He poses as a cattle king from Argentina, lives in abundance and makes the acquaintance of the pretty telephone operator Renate. But unfortunately he also comes across an impostor who takes him away. The filming took place in front of the Hotel Flexen in Zürs and in the town center of Lech. In addition to numerous winter shots from the Arlberg region, the film is characterized by rousing musical interludes and situational comedy.

Frühlingswiese in Damüls, Vorarlberg
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