Heliskiing on the Arlberg

Climb into a helicopter in the middle of the snowy ski area and see how the town gets smaller and smaller – you can do that in Lech Zürs. The offer is valid for freeriders who are looking for an incomparable experience. Once you have reached the top of the lonely peak, you can briefly feel the silence and enjoy the peace and quiet until you ride down the freshly snow-covered mountain on your own. Here you can whiz through waist-high snow in your own style and really feel the freedom. By the way, Lech Zürs is so far the only place in Austria that offers such an experience.

Schneetal – Orgelscharte

Are you not an absolute ski professional, but are you still experienced enough to do your laps in deep snow? Then the “Schneetäli” is ideal for your next heli-skiing adventure. The landing site below the Orgelscharte is the first highlight of the day. The journey then starts downhill and you end up behind Zug. In spring you can particularly look forward to the corn snow on this descent.

Helikopter fliegt über Skipiste
Skifahrer-Gruppe neben Helikopter mitten im Schneegebiet in den Bergen


The absolute dream run for ski and snowboard freeriders can be found here. The helicopter takes you to the 2,652 m high Mehlsack. From up there to the Zug side valley you can enjoy fresh, powdery snow for almost an hour. It is important that you have a confident swing on the red slopes, then nothing will stand in the way of a great and eventful afternoon.

In spring, the option to Spullersee with its numerous sun-drenched slopes is particularly popular. The challenge is to choose one of the many snow slopes.

By the way, heli-skiing and heliboarding can be booked through various ski schools. Here you can find an overview.

Frühlingswiese in Damüls, Vorarlberg
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