Tobogganing in the Bregenzerwald

The natural toboggan runs in the Bregenzerwald not only delight children, but also adults alike. Especially in the evening, happy groups gather to steer their toboggans down the valley, creating a cheerful atmosphere. But where can the most beautiful toboggan runs in the Bregenzerwald area be found to make your tobogganing fun an unforgettable experience? We have informed ourselves about it and are happy to introduce you to some great routes.

Uga toboggan run in Damüls

With the Uga-Express you get to the starting point. If desired, you can strengthen yourself in the Elsenalpstube mountain inn before the descent. The toboggan run is 2.5 kilometers long and offers a wonderful descent into the valley. The Uga toboggan run is groomed twice a day. Evening tobogganing under floodlights is possible on Wednesdays and Fridays from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Special evening tickets are available for night sled drivers. If you don’t have your own toboggan, you can rent one from Intersport Matt near the valley station.

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Fröhliche Familie auf Rodeln in Damüls Wald im Hintergrund
Familie auf drei Schlitten auf Rodelbahn in Bezau mit Bergen im Hintergrund

Toboggan run Bergkristall-Hütte in Au

A winter hiking trail that starts in Au leads to the Bergkristall hut in the Boden mountain pasture in about two hours. The route is 5 kilometers long and crosses a tranquil and beautiful valley framed by the imposing limestone peaks of the Zitterklapfen and the Annalper Stecken. At the Bergkristall hut you have the opportunity to stop. Then it’s back down to the valley on the same route by toboggan. If you don’t have your own toboggan, you can hire one from the toboggan rental shops in Au.

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Tobogganing in Schwarzenberg – Bödele

If the snow conditions permit, these routes will be groomed. The Angelikahöhe serves as the starting point. There you have the opportunity to strengthen or warm up in the Café Angelikahöhe with cocoa and homemade cake. Another toboggan hill is located at the Bödele pass, at the entrance to the ski area. The nearby Berghof Fetz and the Gasthaus Meierei are recommended for a stop.

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Junge auf Rodel mit verschneiten Hütten und Tannenbäumen im Hintergrund
Mann auf Schlitten auf Rodelbahn mit bergen im Hintergrund

Dosegg natural toboggan run in Mellau

The natural toboggan run is in the Übermellen plot, near the Hotel Kreuz. The length of the track is 800 meters and it is illuminated, which allows varied tobogganing even after dark. The trail begins with an uphill stretch through the forest, followed by a toboggan run down the hill. If you don’t have your own toboggan, you can hire one from Sport Natter in Mellau.

More information here:

Frühlingswiese in Damüls, Vorarlberg
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